About me

Hello, my name is Yorgos Sgouros and I am a freelance visual artist based in Athens, Greece.
I always liked to draw imaginary worlds and create my pictures using both traditional and digital media. I started illustrating professionally twenty years ago! The positive feedback I received during my first interviews at publishing houses encouraged me to work as a children books illustrator. I love illustrating and I love…children! So the decision came up pretty easily! I have illustrated over 100 books including children’s books, fairytales, fiction, nonfiction and educational books. I also create pictures for advertisements, greeting cards, flash games, web pages, t shirts, posters, magazines, stickers, caricatures, comics, storyboards and many more.
I create art because it makes me happy – hoping that this will make others happy, too! I like creating a beautiful picture, a beautiful world for children. Illustrating gives me the opportunity to express my feelings on paper.
acrylic, ecoline ink, pen and pastels combining traditional and digital media.
Some of the clients and brands I’ve worked with:
Miles Kelly Publishing
Anno Domini Publishing
McCann Erickson
Spot Thompson
MacMillan Hellas
Mamaya Editions
Hartini Poli Editions
Psihogios Editions
Kedros Editions
Papadopoulos Editions
Agyra Editions
Patakis Editions
Savalas Publishing
Kastaniotis Publishing
Parisianou Publishing
Diaplous Editions
Metaichmio Editions
Pnoi Editions
Dioptra Publishing
Kalentis Publishing
Minoas Editions
Diaplasi Editions
Parissia Publishing
My Edition.gr
Modern Times Editions